
Moses Receives the Tablets of the Law
 (1868 painting by João Zeferino da Costa)


The Covenant Confirmed (late 19th or early 20th Century illustration by John Steeple Davis)

"If everyone lived by 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,' the world would be blind and toothless." --Tevye in  Fiddler on the Roofe
Several interpretations of "an eye for an eye" all
 provide valuable insights into ethical lessons
of the Torah.

Does an eye for an eye really mean an eye for an eye? A lot of rules and regulations get laid out in this week's Torah portion, but it's possible this infamous passage is only talking about money.
"If everyone lived by 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,' the world would be blind and toothless." --Tevye, Fiddler on the Roof
Tevye may not have realized it, but he summarized, very accurately, the
Talmud's understanding of "an eye for an eye," which first appears in this week's Torah portion, Mishpatim.
Last week, we heard Aseret Hadibrot, the Ten Commandments, the headlines of Jewish belief and ethics. Imposing and impressive, they convey moving moral messages. Yet they say little about the details of how to live an ethical Jewish life.
This week, the Torah turns its attention to the details of Jewish law and practice: "Mishpatim" = ordinances, rules, regulations. There are more specific mitzvot (commandments), more explicit commands, in this week's portion than in almost any other. MORE>

Moses informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and God.
God has just given The Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. The people fell back and stood at a distance.
Moses then tells the people many detailed rules:
More Rules  Continue

Different thoughts and
 other understandings 
about weekly portion,
* Mishpatim *
 from all sectors of 

, from Torah Topics for Today

from American Jewish University

from Women of Reform Judaism

 from Social Action

 from Orthodox Union

 from Jewish Outreach Institute

 from AJWS

 from KOLEL

Moses and the elders see God,
by Jacopo Amigoni (also named Giacomo Amiconi) 
before 1753


* KOOK *



Sent by Susan Halimi   

Shabat Shalom AND Have A Nice Week 

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