
Saturday June 15, 2013
Saturday Tamuz 7th, 5773

The World Cow (1913 painting by Franz Marc)

This parashah recalls Moses's fatal mistake:
 Hitting the rock, rather than speaking to it,
 to spring water for the thirsty Israelites.
 Moses's frustration and fatigue were no excuse 
for his refusal to help his people. MORE>

Sending Out the Scapegoat
 (illustration by
 William James Webb (1830

Moses Striking the Rock in Horeb (engraving by
Gustave Doré from the 1865 La Sainte Bible)

God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies.
God said to Moses and Aaron, 'Speak to the sons of Israel and find a completely red cow on which there is no You shall give it to Eleazar, the priest, and he shall take it outside the camp and slaughter it. This cow shall then be made into an offering and those that participate in the sacrifice shall be unclean u.MORE

Destruction of the Army of the Amorites 
(engraving by Gustave Doré from the
 1865 La Sainte Bible)

The Return of Jephtha, by

Jephthah, depicted here in Promptuarii
 Iconum Insigniorum of Guillaume Rouillé

Haftarat Hukkat tells the story 

of a man named Jephthah
His father was Gilead, a mighty warrior.
 His mother was a prostitute--and, for that
 reason, his half-brothers prevented him
from claiming his inheritance, and expelled
 him from their home. Jepthah flees, ending
 up in the land of Tob, where he
 falls in with some outlaws. 

Years later, Gilead's tribe is attacked
by Ammonites. Fearing for their lives,
 the men of the tribe who had once shunned
 him approach Jephthah and request
 that he lead them in battle. 

A warrior, once shunned, regains his
rightful place at the head of the battle.

Have a nice week

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